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Customised and Model Risk Portfolios

Investment Risk Profiles / Model Risk Portfolios

We do not provide any investment advice but we do maintain investment risk profiles or model risk portfolios which investors can invest along with.

These investment risk profiles are based on market environments, long range return and risk expectations of various asset classes and scientific asset allocation. Actual results may vary in the short term but we believe our conservative nature of estimation should make results over the long run similar.
Fig: Modern Portfolio Theory. Each of our Model Risk Profiles is on the blue efficient frontier line, the line of maximum reward, minimum risk.

Fig: Modern Portfolio Theory. Each of our Model Risk Profiles is on the blue efficient frontier line, the line of maximum reward, minimum risk.

Please click on the profiles below to know more about them, including risk and return metrics, long run path simulation and SIP return probabilities.

Customised Portfolios

This option is for experienced investors who have been investing in mutual funds for some time now. Please bear in mind that we would not be able to benchmark fund performance with any profile benchmark or any market based benchmark.
The investor will have the option to choose his/ her own benchmark.

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Single Fund investment

If an investor chooses to invest in a single fund (SIP or Lum Sum), he / she would be able to do so via
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